Welcome to the European Society for Micrographic Surgery

The ESMS is a group of European-based dermatologists dedicated to setting and maintaining professional standards in micrographic surgery for skin cancer, particularly the Mohs technique. There are various forms of micrographic surgery but  Mohs surgery is the proven to be the most effective and advanced treatment for skin cancer today. It offers the highest potential for cure - even if the skin cancer HAS BEEN previously treated by another method.

Mohs is a highly specialized skill which should be done by board certified dermatologists who have had rigorous training in this technique. Read more here about the technique and the dermatologists who do it.

We are a sister society of the EADV (European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology), the main professional body or board certified dermatologists in Europe.

Opportunity to Participate in a Clinical Trial on Gorlin Syndrome

*Sponsored message*
In the initial Phase 3 trial, a 12-month results did not meet the primary endpoint. However did meet primary endponts following post-hoxk analysis. Furthermore, treatment with Topical Patidegib Gel 2% demonstrated a favorable safety profile, with none of the adverse effects commonly associated with oral hedgehog inhibitors—no significant hair loss, taste disturbances, or muscle cramps, and no irritation comparable to imiquimod or 5-fluorouracil (5-FU).
Key Findings from the First Phase 3 Trial:

  • There was a 30% reduction in new facial basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) compared to those using the vehicle.
  • Post-hoc subset analysis in patients with a PTCH1 mutation and a higher baseline burden of facial BCCs showed an even greater effect—a 50% reduction in new facial BCCs (p < 0.01).

 The Next Phase 3 Trial: Targeted Inclusion Criteria
Given these promising results, the new trial is enrolling Gorlin syndrome patients who meet the following criteria: 

  1. Confirmed clinical diagnosis of Gorlin syndrome
  2. Presence of a PTCH1 mutation
  3. Higher baseline burden of facial BCCs

While we have successfully enrolled a significant number of participants, greater enrollment increases the likelihood of replicating the positive findings from the subset analysis in the first trial. Unfortunately, many Gorlin syndrome patients remain unaware of this trial and its potential benefits.

Call to Action
We urge you to inform your Gorlin syndrome patients and their affected relatives about this important study.
For more details, including a list of  clinical sites across the USA, please visit ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT06050122) or contact Sol-Gel  at clinicalinfo@sol-gel.com.
For direct inquiries, feel free to reach out to me: 510-502-6144 | eepsteinjr@aol.com

Find eurpoean centers below
A Personal Note
As a consultant to the sponsor of this second Phase 3 trial and a co-founder of the company that initiated this research, I strongly believe that Topical Patidegib Gel 2% has the potential to transform the lives of Gorlin syndrome patients, much like the development of Erivedge and Odomzo has done. Your support in raising awareness and encouraging participation will be deeply appreciated by the entire Gorlin syndrome community.

Thank you for your time and assistance!
Ervin Epstein, MD
Consultant to Sol-Gel

European Clinical Locations


BobignyHopital Avicenne
+33 1 48 95 70 48 | isabelle.scheer@aphp.fr

NantesCentre Hospitalier Universitaire De Nantes
+33 2 40 08 31 31 | caroline.monfort@chu-nantes.fr

Pierre-BéniteCentre Hospitalier Lyon Sud
+33 4 78 86 33 35 | caroline.marchi@chu-lyon.fr


BerlinCharité Universitätsmedizin Berlin - Campus Charité Mitte
+49 30 450 518448 | Nurcan.Uzun@charite.de

ChemnitzDRK Gemeinnützige Krankenhaus GmbH Sachsen
+49 371 8325003 | nowaczyk.joanna@drk-khs.de

München, BayernLudwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) – Klinik und Poliklinik für Dermatologie und Allergologie
+49 89 4400 56326 | DER.onko.studien@med.uni-muenchen.de


BresciaASST Spedali Civili di Brescia
+39 030 399 5302 | piergiacomo.calzavarapinton@unibs.it

NovaraAOU Maggiore della Carità
+39 0321 3733269 | elisa.zavattaro@med.uniupo.it

RomeFondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS
+39 06 3015 8620 | francescobrunetti96@gmail.com


MaastrichtMaastricht University Medical Center


BarcelonaHospital Clinic Barcelona
+34 93 227 54 00 (ext. 4622) | piglesia@recerca.clinic.cat

BarcelonaHospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
+34 93 553 70 07 | VRuizS@santpau.cat

MadridHospital Universitario 12 De Octubre
+34 91 779 22 61 | carmenmaria.garcia.imas12@h12o.es

United Kingdom

BirminghamThe University of Birmingham
+44 121 371 8750 | Jessica.Bayliss@uhb.nhs.uk

LondonBarts Health NHS Trust - The Royal London Hospital
+44 20 3594 3327 / 3328 / 3326 | nikka.bautista@nhs.net

SalfordNorthern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust
+44 161 206 0893 | Priscillia.Mbalisike@manchester.ac.uk

2025 Membership Renewal Update

We are currently working on a new membership database, which means the renewal process for your 2025 membership is temporarily on hold. As soon as the new system is up and running, we will contact you directly with instructions on how to renew your membership.

In the meantime, you can still apply for a new membership. Learn more about our membership options here

Thank you for your patience and support!

ESMS observership requirements

Criteria for ESMS-approved observership in Mohs or Micrographic Surgery